
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
The Generous Life - Generous Relationships
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Our third sermon in the 'Generous Life' series considers Jesus's words about reconciliation and forgiveness in Luke 17:1-10, and how this relates to our generosity to others.

Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
The Generous Life - Generous Hospitality
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
In Luke 14:1-14, Jesus probes our attitudes towards hospitality, and unveils a new way of thinking about generosity - an open heart that gives to others out of the love we have received from God.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
The Generous Life: Generous Service
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
We begin a short series on the topic of 'generosity' with a look at the generous type of service that Christians are called to by Jesus. Tim Johnson preaches from Luke 9:57-10:20.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Not In Polite Company - Attraction and "doing it"
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Sex. God's plan for humans involves sex, yet it is one of the most taboo topics of conversation in polite company. Kirk works through the notion of sex, and how God wants us to respond to it, in a really practical way.

Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Life Within Limits - The Time of Your Life
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
In this final sermon in our series on Ecclesiastes, Andrew Bowles discusses the Teacher's final words in Ecclesiastes 11:5-12:8 on the 'meaninglessness' of life. How do we understand the opportunities and challenges of the different stages of our lives, as we head toward an uncertain future?

Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
Life Within Limits - A Common Destiny
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
How to we experience 'life before death'? Delle Matthews explores what the Teacher says in Ecclesiastes 9:1-11 about how to face our 'common destiny' with hope and assurance.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
Not In Polite Company - Romance
Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
The Bible says heaps about love, and we hear lots of messages about loving God, and loving your neighbour (rightfully so, as they're the two greatest commands). Did you know, though, that there's a whole book of the Bible about romantic love, and sex?
In this talk, Kirk looks at romance, dating and finding your "soulmate" from a biblical perspective.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
Life Within Limits - Let it Go
Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
Tuesday Jul 26, 2016
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Andrew Bowles looks at Ecclesiastes 6:1-7:4, where the Teacher critiques 'the pursuit of happiness' and our belief that things in the world are getting better. But Jesus also offered a deeper foundation for hope that can overcome the tragedy and darkness of the world.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Life Within Limits - The Problem of Money
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
It seems like whether we have lots of money or just a little, it still causes us problems. Tim Johnson looks at Ecclesiastes 4 & 5 and the ways in which money can either be a 'phantasmagorical god' or a useful tool for learning thankfulness before God,

Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Life Within Limits - A Season for Everything
Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
Tuesday Jul 12, 2016
This sermon by Andrew Bowles on Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 is about the tension between our desire for a perfect life and the reality that we experience seasons of good and bad times. This encourages us to reflect on why God has placed the desire for eternity in our hearts, and how to face reality with joy and thankfulness.