
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
White (Space) July: Jesus, Mary & Martha
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Continuing our White (space) July series, Tim takes a look at Luke 10:38-42. This is a well-known passage warning against too much work but it’s relevance only seems to be growing. It’s not that Martha is wrong to work hard, it’s that her priorities are all wrong compared to her sister who is sitting quietly at the feet of the Lord. Mary has effectively carved out some white space for herself, whilst Martha’s life is too crowded.

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
White (space) July - Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Keen listeners will remember our White (space) Christmas series from late 2016. In God’s word, we have a powerful and repeated command to embrace Sabbath rest. Most of us at St John's are, by our own admission, ignoring or badly failing this command. This preaching series aims to help us do rest better and, when we do, everyone in our lives (family and friends) will benefit. Most importantly, our relationship with Jesus will benefit.
This week, we look at how Jesus reacted to the Pharisees' view of the Sabbath. As much as rest is a massive part of the Sabbath, it is ultimately about our relationship with God (and, consequently, with other people). It’s not about a legalistic “no work” day once a week but rather a day where work is set aside to fully focus on relationships.

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Outward Signs // Inward Grace: Communion
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Jesus gave us two rituals to show outwardly the grace we receive inwardly, baptism, and communion. In this mini-series, Tim looks at these sacraments, and how they display Jesus working in our lives.

Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Outward Signs // Inward Grace: Baptism
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Jesus gave us two rituals to show outwardly the grace we receive inwardly, baptism, and communion. In this mini-series, Tim looks at these sacraments, and how they display Jesus working in our lives.

Thursday Jun 15, 2017
I am... The Vine
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
The finale of our I AM series, Delle Matthews concludes with Jesus referring to himself as "the vine", and his followers as "the branches". How do we remain in Jesus, and attached to the vine?

Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
I am... The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Possibly the most well known I AM statement from Jesus. Our series continues this week to explore who Jesus says he is. We live in a "post-truth" world, but what is truth? Jesus claims to be the truth, above all.

Wednesday May 31, 2017
I Am...The Ressurection and the Life
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Andrew Bowles delivers his final sermon at St John's. Jesus sits at the heart of the Christian faith, making several bold statements about himself. When Lazarus dies, Jesus mourns for his friend, but establishes and displays his power over death, stating that he is the resurrection, and the life.

Friday May 26, 2017
I Am...The Good Shepherd
Friday May 26, 2017
Friday May 26, 2017
Whose voice do we listen to? In this instalment of our 'I Am...' series, Sam Oldland reflects on Jesus' statement that he is 'The Good Shepherd', and that those who listen to him and respond are truly hearing the voice of God. From John 10:11-21.

Monday May 15, 2017
I am... The Gate
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
Continuing our I AM series, we go back to what is at the heart of the Christian faith, and examine Jesus, and his revelation of God. There are seven times in the Gospel of John where Jesus said 'I am', and gave a series of images that explained who he was. This week, we look at Jesus when he spoke of himself as 'the gate' in John 10:1-10. Tim Johnson looks at what this means, with Jesus claiming to be the exclusive way to a relationship with the God the Father.

Wednesday May 10, 2017
I am... The Light of the World
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Continuing our I AM series, we go back to what is at the heart of the Christian faith, and examine Jesus, and his revelation of God. There are seven times in the Gospel of John where Jesus said 'I am', and gave a series of images that explained who he was. This week, we look at Jesus when he spoke of himself as 'the light of the world' in John 8:12-20. Sam Oldland gives us his first talk at St John's, and looks at what this means, with Jesus as the one who sheds light on the darkness, and saves us from it.